OCZ Gladiator 3

August 6, 2003
OCZ Technology has entered another HSF into the market. Come and see how this baby performs for me.
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A few weeks ago Aron e-mailed me if I would be interested in testing an <a href="http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/heatsinks/">OCZ Technology</a> HSF. I emailed back that I would be waiting with open hands, ready to rip into the packaging. Last Thursday I received the package from OCZ and, aside from a few household chores, I spent this past weekend setting up testing scenarios.



When I opened the box from OCZ Technology I was confronted with a clear plastic package of the Gladiator 3 and a 3 gram tube of OCZ Ultra II thermal compound (no package ripping here). I have never had the chance to test a Textured Finned Technology (TFT) heatsink and was looking forward to putting one to the test. You could also refer to this HSF as a baby Gladiator 2, as it is also of solid copper design only 14mm shorter and 60mm square (as opposed to 62x70mm) with quieter fan options.

I then noticed that the package contained the quiet high-speed fan but was marked as a 60x20mm fan, not the 60x25mm fan listed in the specifications. We would soon find out just how effective this shorter fan would work. I was also pleased to see a three prong heatsink mounting mechanism and the three wire motherboard power/speed-monitor connector for the fan. In my opinion using both these options makes for a tighter and neater appearance.


I next removed the protective cover from the bottom of the heatsink. I noticed that although I could see reflected images, the bottom did still show machining marks. Since the newer thermal compounds were designed to fill these gaps, I would soon find out how good the OCZ Ultra II would perform.



The testing system is (no overclocking was attempted during this setup):

Shuttle Motherboard, Model# AK35S
Kingston DDR RAM 256MB PC2700

The testing scenerio was 1/2 hour to obtain idle temperture, then 1/2 hour of folding@home to stress the CPU to obtain the load temperature. Temperature and fan rpm readings were done using MBM5 taking high and low readings for temperatures and average readings for fan rpms.

I setup the tests using the stock AMD HSF with thermal tape and Ultra II compound against the Gladiator 3 with its quiet fan using Ultra II. I then placed the results into a chart trying to make it easy to read and understand.


It is quite obvious from the chart that just changing to Ultra II compound on the AMD HSF my idle temperature dropped 4°C and I got a 5°C drop in load temperature. I was also surprised that my system temperature dropped 3°C. This AMD HSF with its 4200rpm fan is a good unit, but showing even better temperature readings with the Ultra II thermal compound.

Testing with the Gladiator 3 and quiet, 4600rpm, fan did not give me a better idle temp, but I sure did get another 5°C drop in load temperature. Shaving another degree in system load temperature makes the Gladiator 3 a great purchase.


Did the OCZ Gladiator 3 and Ultra II thermal compound meet the challenge? Definitely, gains in idle and load temperatures were superb. The quiet fan operation also made it a pleasure to test. Thanks to <a href="http://www.ocztechnology.com">OCZ Technology</a> for the opportunity to have some fun with this baby over an otherwise stifling weekend.

<center><img src="http://www.aselabs.com/images/awards/2.gif"></center>

<B>Special Note</B>:

I decided to go for broke and I placed an 8000rpm 60x60mm fan onto the Gladiator 3 heatsink. Testing the same as with the quiet fan revealed a whopping 7°C drop in idle and another 5°C in load temperatures. Airflow does make a difference. Of course then just get the Gladiator 2, it comes with a screamin


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