ConnectWise Launches Feature Rich Phase 4 of ConnectWise 2010

August 23, 2010

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ConnectWise Launches Feature Rich Phase 4 of ConnectWise 2010

Hot features include API Additions for Business Intelligence, beta version of browser independence, and better ITIL compliance.

TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 23 -- ConnectWise, developer of the leading business operating system designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARs and MSPs, today announced the successful completion of its fourth phase of updates to the industry leading ConnectWise software. The new ConnectWise 2010 includes enhancements to sales/marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), scheduling, reporting, project and service tracking, inventory and purchasing, invoicing and financial management.


"These updates to ConnectWise 2010 represent our most user-driven enhancements yet," said Arnie Bellini, ConnectWise CEO. "The new features deliver increased automation so partners can do far more with fewer clicks and less time. This is efficiency kicked up a notch."

  Highlights of the new features include:


This release of ConnectWise 2010 now includes beta versions of browser independence for Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.

More mass record updating options

There are now more options for performing mass updates to service tickets, sales activities, and invoicing such as the ability to change the status of a group of tickets, change record types, or delete. The new features make it easy to perform mass updates to billing terms, tax codes, currency, time zones, and more.

New service ticket sub-types to support ITIL

New service ticket sub-types help automate and streamline routine services by standardizing how IT companies provide their service. Templates can be created for different services that list standard tasks on the service ticket. To be more ITIL compliant ConnectWise created sub-types to provide guidance on how to coordinate and process common activities for your line of business. For example, under the service type "email," the sub-types could be "end-user problem," "spam filter problem," or "mailbox size exceeds limit." Associated with each subtype can be a list of pre-set tasks to complete.

Additional automation options

ConnectWise "Tracks" have quickly become one of the most useful functions among users for their automation capabilities for business processes, sales, marketing and more. New updates to Tracks deliver more control and flexibility to automatically create service tickets, historical activities, add contacts to marketing groups, and more. ConnectWise 2010 generates an audit trail of these operations, and can be set to send automated emails only during operating hours.

API additions and improvements

New APIs provide access to more data within ConnectWise, including Reporting and Purchasing. An enhanced API architecture is easier to use with true SOAP endpoints and true web methods for each API action. The reporting API will help your company analyze business data and increase business intelligence.

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  About ConnectWise

Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading business operating system for IT service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 41,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, help desk tickets, projects, managed services, SLAs, dispatching, time and expenses to streamline IT companies. Over the last 28 years, ConnectWise has become a standard in the IT industry with over 300 API integration partners. For more information please visit or call 800-671-6898.

  Mark Smith
  JPR Communications
  Skype: jprmark

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Source: ConnectWise

CONTACT:  Mark Smith of JPR Communications, +1-818-884-8282,, Skype: jprmark, for ConnectWise

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