Samsung SP4002H HDD review

Aron Schatz
June 11, 2002
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MBReview reviews a Samsung Hard drive.

Samsung has done a nice job with their SpinPoint P40 line of hard drives. Performance is right up there with IBM’s Deskstar 60GXP, sometime pulling ahead and sometimes not. Although the drive did come up slower in most benchmarks, it can be purchased for slightly less than a Deskstar if you search around. The best part about that is, you probably don’t have to worry about waking up one morning, pressing the power button and hearing the absolutely horrid screeching that Deskstar owners love to hate, the sound of hard drive death. Samsung’s NoiseGuard and SilentSeek technologies have been implemented very nicely. The SP4002H is an extremely quiet drive, even when placed under load in normal operation and in a RAID 0 array. When placed side to side, the SP4002H is slightly quieter than the 60GXP, a line of drives known for their noise level, or lack thereof. If you’re looking for a cheap, reliable, and quiet alternative to your current drive situation, you’ll want to consider Samsung’s SpinPoint P4 line of hard drives. Stick around though, as in a few weeks we’ll be receiving the latest and greatest drive from Samsung, featuring something that I have not yet seen to date from any major manufacturer. What is it? Well, you’ll have to wait and see. Thanks goes out to Stalin of Samsung USA for supplying me with the units for review, thanks Sta


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