ConnectWise Upgrades Developer Network Web Portal, New and Updated APIs for ISVs and Integrators

November 4, 2010

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ConnectWise Upgrades Developer Network Web Portal, New and Updated APIs for ISVs and Integrators

TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 4, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- ConnectWise , the leading business operating system designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARs and MSPs, today announced that the ConnectWise Developer Network website has been re-launched with several key enhancements aimed at facilitating additional partner interaction and collaboration for even better integration and utilization of the company's APIs. This announcement was made at the vendor integration meeting that was held during the highly anticipated ConnectWise event, IT Nation 2010, where over 30 integration partners gathered as sponsors of the year's ConnectWise Summit.



The new Developer Network site now provides a new documentation platform with the ability to comment or rate the documents, as well as private forums that enable partner and vendor integrators to share tips and best practices.  The ConnectWise Developer Network features all the tools developers need to get started as part of the industry's foremost eco-system including a robust set of APIs, improved sample test program, documentation, and forums for self-service support.

Accessed by more than 300 organizations, ConnectWise APIs are freely available to partners and independent software vendors to allow them to deeply integrate ConnectWise business automation software into their own applications or websites.  The API stack continues to grow with more integration points available through existing APIs and new APIs added, including System API, Purchasing API, Reporting API, Marketing API and Member API.

"ConnectWise has always promoted and enabled third-party integration with its industry-leading professional services automation software, allowing developers to connect to ConnectWise for the betterment of their users," said Arnie Bellini, ConnectWise CEO.  "By updating, refreshing and making over our Developer Network site, we are providing easier access and enabling better implementation of our APIs for partners looking to enhance their businesses through complementary solutions that help deliver outstanding services and maintain operational efficiency."

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About ConnectWise

Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading IT business software for service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 43,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise PSA software to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. According to the 2010 MSPmentor 100 list, more than half of the top 100 IT-based managed serviced providers worldwide use ConnectWise. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, IT ticketing, project tracking, IT service management, SLAs, dispatch scheduling, mobile IT services, time and expenses into a singular IT management software to dramatically streamline IT companies. Over the last 28 years, ConnectWise has become the premier business operating system for IT solution providers. ConnectWise APIs are accessed by over 300 organizations, including ConnectWise partners and industry leaders of the IT Nation. For more information visit or call 800-671-6898.

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SOURCE  ConnectWise


CONTACT: Mark Smith of JPR Communications, +1-818-884-8282,, Skype: jprmark, for ConnectWise

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