PHP 4.3.0 gold

Aron Schatz
December 28, 2002
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Yep, the awesome new version is out. Grab it here. I've been waiting for this version ever since it was in beta. This is the first branch that combines the GD library into the PHP core! Finally, no more graphics library hassles.


GD library is now bundled with the distribution and it is recommended to always use the bundled version
vpopmail and cybermut extensions are moved to PECL
several deprecated extensions (aspell, ccvs, cybercash, icap) and SAPIs (fastcgi, fhttpd) are removed
speed improvements in a variety of string functions
Apache2 filter is improved, but is still considered experimental (use with PHP in prefork and not worker (thread) model since many extensions based on external libraries are not thread safe)
various security fixes (imap, mysql, mcrypt, file upload, gd, etc)
new SAPI for embedding PHP in other applications (experimental)
much better test suite
significant improvements in dba, gd, pcntl, sybase, and xslt extensions
debug_backtrace() should help with debugging
error messages now contain URLs linking to pages describing the error or function in question
Zend Engine has some fixes and minor performance enhancements
and TONS of other fixes, updates, new functions, etc

The server should be updated with this soon (I hope... Ping?)


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