Space And Science News

Aron Schatz
January 23, 2003
Tags Science

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Interesting thought of the day for me, time travel. Comments?

Dark matter halos.


If quasars and their host galaxies assembled within surrounding haloes of dark matter, that would explain how they formed so quickly. Unfortunately there hasn't been any evidence for these dark-matter haloes - until now.

More than just Stem Cells.


A new study underscores the promise of adult stem cells for changing into other useful cell types. The results, published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveal that transplanted bone marrow cells can migrate to a recipient's brain and transform into neurons.

4 winged dinosaur fossile found.


The new species, Microraptor gui, provides yet more evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs, and could go a long way to answering a question scientists have puzzled over for close to 100 years: How did a group of ground-dwelling flightless dinosaurs evolve to a feathered animal capable of flying?

How Gas giants help and hurt Earth.
[QUOTE]But gas giant planets like Jupiter don’t always help in the development of complex life. Consider, for instance, that while Jupiter deflects many asteroids away from Earth, it also is responsible for most of the asteroids in the first place. When planetesimals were clumping together to form the terrestrial planets, the gravitational influence of Jupiter prevented a fifth planet from forming. Instead, today there is the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter – a sad echo of the planet-that-never-was.[/QUOTE:104330539


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