Space and science news

Aron Schatz
February 8, 2003
Tags Science

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Space and time go on, even when a DDoS attack happens.

More on Columbia.


Engineers first became aware of the mishap while watching a video of the liftoff on Jan. 17, the day after launch. After a weeklong analysis, while Columbia was still in orbit, they concluded that the shuttle had not suffered significant damage. That analysis focused mainly on the heat-resistant ceramic tiles that protect the shuttle during its fiery reentry through Earth's atmosphere.

Soyuz able to supply ISS longer.


Kostelnik said a fresh Soyuz would be launched to the space station in April as planned. As part of its role in the ISS, Russia launches several Progress ships and two Soyuz capsules to the station a year. A Soyuz is always docked at the station to serve as a crew lifeboat.

Nuclear power finally for propulsion.


As a NASA new initiative, requested funds for Project Prometheus includes $279 million, with $3 billion to be spent on the effort over five years. This consists of $186 million ($1 billion over five-years) from the Nuclear Systems Initiative introduced in Fiscal Year 2003 and adds $93 million ($2 billion over five-years) for a first flight mission, dubbed the Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter, or JIMO for short.

Mission to Mars!


Bolder initiatives may be the most logical next step for NASA. Clearly spaceflight has lost its public allure, as shuttle astronauts toil in relative anonymity unless something dreadful happens. Space travel, many insiders believe, needs a bigger and more exciting goal.


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