Site Update

Aron Schatz
March 7, 2003

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Okay, I seems to have lost my emails for the web reviews. I don't really know what happened, but I'll get to posting a bunch tomorrow hopefully. In any case, I wanted to give a news post about what is happening here at ASE land. First off, I'll be on vacation for next week. Don't get your hopes up, I do have my laptop and all the nice hotels have dedicated internet access! We're working on getting things for review, but it is very difficult to do so. We don't lose faith, and we always will have an article per week!

ASEville should be all good in about a weeks time. I'll be making the final database wipe out for that site and we'll have a clean slate for it. I expect to see systems and articles from all of you!

Once again, I'd like to ask you, the person reading this, of your ideas on how to bring people here and keep them coming back. Readership is spread thin amoung the small sites, and I'm curious to know what everyone thinks. Believe me, if it possible, I'll change whatever is needed (to a point). Drop me some emails of your ideas.

That's all for now, take care and have a good weekend... Soon.


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