P4X266 Chipset from Via for the P4

Aron Schatz
August 14, 2001
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I saw a good review over at ViaHardware, here is a blurb:

The VIA Apollo P4X266 chipset, although far from revolutionary, provides the market exactly what its been begging for: an affordable, high performance Pentium 4 platform. Debuting at around $25, the P4X266 is considerably cheaper then even the anemic i845 at $40. As the first non-Intel chipset for Pentium 4, the P4X266 represents a great step for VIA as the worlds #1 chipset design house. Even Intel's processor division must be secretly delighted at the avenues P4X266 offers for OEM's and end users looking to transfer over to Pentium 4 platforms. Found here.

I hope to get some P4s and some new Paliminos for review, but I can only hope so much.


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