Friday Morning Tech News

Aron Schatz
August 5, 2005
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Man charged in bootlegging movie.


Curtis Salisbury, 19, used a camcorder to make copies of recent releases "The Perfect Man" and "Bewitched" and then distributed them through illicit computer networks that specialize in piracy, the Justice Department said.

IBM doping up with germanium. I'm still interested in the silicon lasers.


IBM said it invented the silicon germanium process more than a decade ago, and has been improving it ever since. By adding the element to silicon -- a process known as doping -- the chip can operate at a faster clip. That boost is especially useful for radio communications devices, which need to modulate rapidly. The Armonk, New York-based company said the process will allow chips to operate at speeds of 200 gigahertz, or 200 billion cycles per second. That speed will help enable advanced communications technologies, including, it said, collision-avoidance radar for automobiles.

Yahoo launches audio search.


Yahoo Audio Search complements music services, such as Yahoo Music Unlimited and other third-party services by providing consumers access to an extensive array of other audio-related content such as podcasts, spoken word and artist Web sites," John Thrall, head of multi-media search engineering at Yahoo, said in a statement.

New Windows CLI targeted by virus writers.


The proof-of-concept viruses, along with detailed explanations of how they work, were included in a magazine that was published on the Web over the last week. The viruses' only action is to infect other shell scripts on the host's operating system. They would cause little harm in the wild, but would be relatively easy to modify using the information from the article, said Hyppönen in a blog posting on Thursday.


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