Thursday Night Tech News

Aron Schatz
August 19, 2005
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Hustling space.


Impatience and frustration together breed a weakness for the Great Leap Forward: the one technology, or mission, or business model, or political silver bullet that will get us back on track. "If only we’d kept building Saturn Vs, or pushed on from the X-15." "If only NASA had another clear, compelling goal—like Mars." "If only we can line up enough sub-orbital tourists." "If only China would challenge us as the USSR did in 1957."

Intel's WiMax push.


By working with city governments, Intel aims to develop the market for WiMax, an emerging technology that promises to cover entire cites with high-speed wireless Internet links. City authorities are seen as some of the primary users of WiMax technologies, the next generation beyond Wi-Fi systems, which transmit wireless data over short distances.

A blackhole's brutal birth.


Black holes are forged in extreme violence, such as when stars more massive than about 25 Suns run out of nuclear fuel. Their cores collapse into black holes, which devour the stars innards and shoot out high-speed jets of matter and radiation.

Discovery, not Atlantis, will be the next to go up.


Shuttle Discovery will make the return flight to space in March 2006, instead of shuttle Atlantis. Atlantis will be used for the following mission, which will carry truss segments to the International Space Station that are too heavy for Discovery to manage.


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