Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
October 5, 2005
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Contest, Contest, Contest: » And I'll be adding another way to get entries tonight.

Instruments detect microbes.


The discovery of "a rare and complex microbial community" in the ice was reported by Hans Amundsen of the University of Oslo, Norway, and colleagues who have been studying the volcano Sverrefjell on Svalbard, an island group north of Norway, in a project called AMASE -- the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition.

Paper trails are good. Trust me.


The Carter-Baker commission's report is likely to fuel efforts by state and federal politicians to mandate some form of audit trails. Without such audit trails, many security researchers have warned, e-voting machines are vulnerable to a slew of problems including software glitches, viruses and malicious programming.

Microsoft stupidly makes play once DVD. DRM again. When will consumers say NO to DRM!


COMPUTER software giant Microsoft has developed a cheap, disposable pre-recorded DVD disc that consumers can play only once. The discs would give Hollywood increased control over the release of new films and allow consumers the chance to watch a film at the fraction of the price of an ordinary pre-recorded DVD. More important, the discs would prevent copying and digital piracy, which is costing the film and music industry billions in lost revenues. The revolutionary product could be on the market as early as next year, with the new DVD players needed to view them. Microsoft hopes it will help the company dominate home entertainment as it dominates the desktop computer market.

Let me go off on a rant here. The RIAA and the MPAA aren't losing money to 'piracy' at all. They are losing money because the last few years of movies SUCKED. The RIAA is making money hand over fist and can't see through their blinding CD only vision that selling on the internet is the way to go. Eventually, consumers will say no to the MPAA/RIAA and get their content elsewhere. Who wants to see generic film plot #236 again anyway?


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