Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
October 19, 2005
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Legislation on data security.


The current bipartisan effort in Congress to enact legislation requiring companies to help prevent identity theft is a positive sign. Whether the new laws succeed, however, will depend on how our legislators interpret the problem. If they focus exclusively on defense against outside attacks, their efforts will likely fall short. If the lawmakers also address the insider threat, we should all be able to breathe a lot easier.

Gmail in dispute in UK.


In a recent report from IIIR on the name dispute, however, the company said it "considers the proposals it made to Google for settlement of this matter to be fair and reasonable to both parties." In a valuation of the Gmail trademark conducted in a draft discussion document in December 2004, IIIR set the brand's worth at between $44 million and $60 million (25 million pounds and 34 million pounds) although the company later said it would settle for a considerably lower sum.

Intelligent design is NOT a scientific theory. Creationism in a new wrapper is still creationism.


Because ID has been rejected by virtually every scientist and science organisation, and has never once passed the muster of a peer-reviewed journal paper, Behe admitted that the controversial theory would not be included in the NAS definition. “I can’t point to an external community that would agree that this was well substantiated,” he said.


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