JAXA Wants Moonbase By 2030

Aron Schatz
August 2, 2006
Tags Space JAXA

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The Japanese want to create a moonbase by 2030. NASA and other countries also want moonbases. I guess there will be a rush to the Moon soon!


The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) revealed its ambition to an international conference in Tokyo this week but has not yet been allotted the budget for the ambitious project. JAXA hopes to launch a satellite into lunar orbit in 2007, followed by uncrewed spacecraft that will land on the Moon and collect lunar rock samples. Under the plan, astronauts will be sent to the Moon around 2020 to start construction of the base that will be completed by 2030, the agency said. Japan had earlier given 2025 as the target date for a lunar base.


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