DIY Windows Service Pack

Aron Schatz
December 13, 2006

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A security company has released a tool to allow you to make a 'service pack' for Windows that can be installed offline. Since Microsoft does not step up to the plate with these types of tools, it is good to see others making them. I guess Microsoft is too busy locking down Vista with DRM to screw customers out of stuff they paid for.


We here offer an alternative to this update dilemma, starting immediately: version 3 of our script collection Offline Update requires only a few steps to reel in a current service pack at any time, combining all released Windows updates at the time of download. The download script acquires the complete update library for selected operating systems from Microsoft's servers and uses them to created ISO images for CDs or DVDs as desired. These in turn can be used to update as many PCs as you wish.


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