Is Windows More Expensive?

Aron Schatz
February 27, 2007

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I love how articles discount the fact that Microsoft makes many different version of Windows to confuse the costumer. When people are given the choice of this many operating systems (of the same kind!), they will make a mistake and purchase double. A great tactic for money, but people should be outraged that there are more than ONE version of the basic operating system.


The people who think about the price of Windows are those who actually go to a retail store and buy an upgrade copy, Cherry said. So far, sales of boxed copies of Vista have trailed initial sales of Windows XP, according to NPD data. Cherry anticipates that most people will buy a flavor of Vista that corresponds to the version they have of XP. But some will want to move up to a heftier-featured edition, and that will add further to the perceived cost. That's particularly true if a consumer opts for Vista Ultimate, which sells for $259 as an upgrade and $399 for the full product.


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