Steve Jobs' Health Concerns

Aron Schatz
January 5, 2009

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Steve Jobs is having some health problems and that is the reason that he won't speak at Macworld. Hopefully Steve will regain good health soon. Steve has suffered from a bad form of cancer for years.


The startling admission that Apple and Jobs knew several weeks ago that health concerns had become his number one priority calls into question the company's handling of Jobs' absence from Macworld. There are no hard-and-fast guidelines that dictate how companies are supposed to handle health concerns, the way strict guidelines dictate the handling of material financial information.

But it's clear to anyone with a pulse in the tech industry that a health-related reason for a Jobs-less keynote would be a huge blow to Apple's stock. Apple representatives refused to answer questions about Jobs' health when the news first surfaced in December, insisting that the only reason Jobs would be absent from the keynote was because the company was done with Macworld.


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