CA to Discuss Building a Self-Service Data Center at AFCOM's Data Center World Conference

March 8, 2010

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CA to Discuss Building a Self-Service Data Center at AFCOM's Data Center World Conference

Stephen Elliot to Explain Benefits of Reduced Resource Wait Times and Improved Time-to-Market and Service Quality

ISLANDIA, N.Y., March 8 -- CA Inc. (Nasadq: CA) today announced that Stephen Elliot, vice president of strategy for virtualization and service automation at CA, will present "Building a Self-Service Data Center" March 10 at AFCOM's Data Center World conference in Nashville, Tenn.

Companies often deploy new applications or IT services in order to drive growth and create competitive advantage. However, these applications and services must be developed, tested, and staged for "prime time" use, a process that can be constrained by operational and technical hurdles. Line of business managers face funding issues and procurement cycles for computing resources, both hardware and software, that can take weeks. IT management has to support new IT projects -- along with multiple other priorities, with staff, space, and time. And IT staff has to go through the manual and often time-consuming tasks required to configure and provision the resources for these requests -- in physical, virtual and cloud environments.

"The next generation in IT automation -- the self-service data center -- can help address the key constraints that impact the deployment of IT services," said Elliot. "It allows end users to quickly and securely reserve resources, while enabling IT to feel confident that resources such as physical and virtual servers are automatically configured, provisioned and de-provisioned based on policies they control. This capability helps free up IT administrators to perform more high-value work, reduce the wait time for resources, and improve time-to-market and service quality by ensuring configuration compliance from development through production."

As part of his session, Elliot will discuss CA's experience implementing a self-service data center. He will detail the company's use of CA Spectrum® Automation Manager's self-service capability in Labs on Demand, a cloud-based system for access to state-of-the-art equipment and software environments. Elliot will explain how CA development teams worldwide use Labs on Demand to dynamically provision pooled hardware resources on an as-needed basis and how this helps prevent resource contention and minimize both overall hardware expenditures and total energy utilization.


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CA (NASDAQ:CA), the world's leading independent IT management software company, helps customers optimize IT for better business results. CA's Enterprise IT Management solutions for mainframe and distributed computing enable Lean IT -- empowering organizations to more effectively govern, manage and secure their IT operations. For more information, visit

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  David Resnic
  CA, Inc.
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