KonojoGet your OWN Ton-Ton!!!Joined: August 7, 2007Status: OfflinePosts: 578Rep:
Papa's finally getting a brand new baby! Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:50:05 PM#41650Perm Link
Shes on her little way to my doorsteps as I type this message...My dear sweet 500GB, 7200.10 RPM, 16MB cache, barracuda...ahhh just a momentous feeling!(they are having a special on TigerDirect 500GB HDD for $119 or so i was thinking about getting 2 but im broke so that was a big NO!) Yeah my Presario is gonna be kicking some ass w/ its new baby and im giving it 1 to 2Gb of RAM, and later on a graphics card w/ nice DVI 22' LCD.(I know i have nothing to brag about but i always get excited with i get new electronics!) But first, I had a thought...I came to realize that SATA HDD's and also EIDE HDD's dont really have the GB that they claim to have. Is their a driver that can optimize the full capacity of a HDD?
... and then there are those that say that 1GB = 10^9 B because Giga is an SI prefix for 10^9, and that you should use GiB [gibibyte] if you mean 2^30. Software has always used 2^30 because it makes more sense in software, hardware manufacturers use 10^9 because it's less.